Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

Heechul saved this year’s Dream Concert

Dream Concert yang diadakan kemarin malam sebetulnya memiliki banyak masalah. Namun Heechul dengan bakat entertainer-nya berhasil membuat acara berjalan lebih baik sehingga berakhir dengan baik pula.

Pertama2 Heechul berhasil menghidupkan suasana konser kalau2 penonton sudah mulai diam dan karena cuaca yang buruk (hujan dkk) persiapan para artis menjadi lebih lama dari seharusnya, sehingga Heechul sempat berkata “Dibanding melihat penampilan para artis sepertinya penonton lebih banyak melihat kemampuan berbicara sang MC.”

Selain itu Heechul yang 3 tahun terakhir selalu didaulat menjadi MC Dream Concert juga turut membantu 2 MC lain Shin Saekyung dan Taecyeon 2PM yang memang baru pertama kali menjadi MC Dream Concert. Taecyeon dan Heechul bahkan menunjukan sedikit kemampuan menari mereka, sementara Saekyung agak kesulitan dengan kartu petunjuk MC nya. Namun Heechul mampu menutupi hal tersebut dengan menghidupkan atmosfer konser melalui berbagai cara seperti memuji kecantikan Saekyung dan bahkan menyuruhnya menyanyi. Sekali lagi Heechul menunjukan kemampuannya sebagai MC profesional.

credits to chosun
shared by venus@sj-world.net
translated by 3unam@sj-world.net


Super Junior’s Heechul saved this year’s Dream Concert.

On the 22nd, the 2010 Dream Concert was held at the Seoul Sang-Ahm World Cup arena where Heechul, 2PM’s Taecyeon and Shin Se Kyung were the MC’s.

There were no big problems during the concert but without Heechul, it wouldn’t have gone as smoothly. It wasn’t hard to see that it was his third year hosting the show.

Whenever the concert seemed to lose its energy, he would throw funny comments. The singers took longer to get ready this time and people were getting a bit impatient. Singers wouldn’t come out even after the MC’s announced them. But he would show hidden talents, start singing and dancing to stall the audience.

He helped out Taecyeon and Shin Se Kyung as well. Taecyeon would perform little snippets of his talents as well but seemed a little awkward in doing so because it was his first time hosting. Heechul would help by going along with everything.

Shin Se Kyung would not put down her cue cards and kept making awkward laughs at the jokes. Heechul would compliment her and make her sing songs to loosen her up.

Cr: allkpop and Sport Korea
Reup/Shared: minoko2440 @ sapphirepearls.com

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