Kamis, 03 Juni 2010

Shanghai’s airport hit by Korean Wave while fans wait for stars to arrive

The Shanghai World Expo music festival akan diadakan pada malam hari pada tanggal 30 Mei dan para artis asal Korea seperti Super Junior, Kangta, f(x) dan Boa akan tampil di acara tersebut. Banyak fans yang sudah menunggu kedatangan mereka di bandara tapi ketika sekuriti penjagaannya sangat ketat tidak ada yang satupun yang berani menerobos penjagaan yang ketat seperti itu.

Ketika para artis Korea tersebut sampai airport, langsung terjadi kehebohan. Setelah lama menunggu, artis pertama yang datang adalah Boa dan sudah dijaga dengan 5-6 bodyguard. Tidak lama setelah itu Kangta danf9x) mulai masuk, dan para fans langsung mengejar idola mereka, mengelilingi Kangta dan f(x). Para penjaga harus mengerahkan segala usaha untuk mencegah keramaian dan mencegah mengambil foto mereka.

Terakhir ketika anggota Super Junior datang satu per satu, bandara langsung terlihat sangat ramai dan kacau, fans Super Junior menutup jalan keluar. Walaupun ada beberapa penjaga, tapi dibanding dengan banyaknya fans, para penjaga tersebut masih kurang untuk menjaga mereka. Maka itu, anggota Super Junior dibagi menjadi 2 bagian, karena gerbang keluar bandara sempat terhenti karena terlalu banyaknya fans yang berkumpul disana. Kurangnya orang, para penjaga hanya bisa memberikan sedikit ruang tapi para fans tidak menyerah, dan membawa anggota Super Junior sampai ke tempat parkir. Hanya sampai artis terakhir di bandara, lalu suasana bandara pun kembali seperti biasa lagi.

Source: Sina
Translation: bulletproof @ sj-world.net


The Shanghai World Expo music festival would be held on the night of the 30th while Korean stars Super Junior, Kangta, f(x) and Boa make their grand appearances respectively. Many fans have long since started to wait at the airport while security is kept tight and no one dares to let their guard down.

As soon as the Korean stars have landed, the entrance of the airport turns into a scene of chaos. After a few moments of waiting, the first artist to leave, Boa was led away by 5 to 6 guards. Not long after, when Kangta and f(x) started to make their exit, huge crowds of fans rushed up to their idols, surrounding Kangta and f(x). The security took much effort to gather the artistes in the centre as one of the guards shined his torch at the crowds, preventing them from taking pictures.

Lastly when Super Junior members walk out one after another, the airport turns into a big mess, majority of Super Junior’s fans have sealed off the exits points. Although there were multiple security guards, but as compared to the fans, they were still small in numbers. Within moments, Super Junior members were split up by the crowds, the situation at the airport’s entrance reached a standstill. Out of helplessness, the guards could only resort to force although the fans did not give up, and followed Super Junior members all the way to the carpark. Only until after all the artistes have left the scene, did the usual peace return to the airport.

Source: Sina
Translation: bulletproof @ sj-world.net

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