We hope the following content can be consistent, and uniformed, when we post on twitter. This is to ensure the topic can be trended. We seek corporation from everyone.
【 #GoldenDisk 請給予我們合理的解釋,公布所有的數據,不要隨便糊弄我們,還給 #SUJU 一個公道。】
【 #GoldenDisk Please give us a satisfactory explanation, publish all data, don’t fool us, & return justice to #SUJU . 】
The more the RETWEET, the bigger the impact, and the easier for others to take note.
也 許明年,就只剩下不多的幾個人參加各種頒獎晚會了;也許下一次,我們無論怎麼努力也無法打敗各種黑幕。但是我們五年了,四張專輯,三次亞洲巡回演唱會。沒 有迷你專輯,我不計較;沒有華麗的服飾,我也不計較。但是我唯一介意的就是不能讓他們在一年的努力後,收獲他們應得的大獎。
Perhaps next year, there will only be a few people in SJ that will attend the award ceremonies; Perhaps next time, we won't be able to fight the the dark secret-rigging party, no matter how much we try. But for us; 5 years, 4 albums, 3 asia tours. We don't care about mini albums, nor do we care about glamorous costumes on stage. The only thing we care about is not able to hand over the big awards that they deserve after a year's hard work.
可是我們已經嬴了,嬴在愛豆與飯之間一句句的對不起和謝謝,嬴在即使這世界把所有的夢想努力希望踩在腳下,SJ一 次一次教會我們,在逆境裡昂揚向上,絕不退縮。我們跟SJ之間是多麼重要的存在。他們一直都知道我們在為他們做的一切。他們心疼我們。在知道不是的那一刻 他們可能更多的擔心是因為看到了我們的眼淚,我們卻是因為他們的眼淚而更加心痛。請問,還有誰家的愛豆跟飯可以這樣。我們不是愛豆與飯,我們是家人,願意 為彼此奉獻一切的家人。SJ & ELF,再也沒有像你們這樣的人。
However, we have already won. Winning on the words "Sorry" and "Thank you" by SJ and ELF. Won, because although the world has put all the dreams, hard work and hope crashing to the ground, Super Junior taught us, they taught us everytime, to thrive in the worse scenarios and never give up. We are the most important for them as they are for us. They know what we have been doing for them. And they feel hurt. When they know the result, it was our tears that they may be more worried about, but we were equally, if not more hurt to see their tears. Please ask yourself, are there any other artists and fans out there that have this relationship? We are not artist and fans, but family, and we are close enough to give up our all for each other. SJ & ELF, no other.
這一次,不僅是給SJ討一個公道,更是為了自己!這一年來的付 出,團購、音源、投票,各樣的勞碌,我們不甘心就這樣付諸東流!雖然是艱辛,可是從未後悔過。現在回頭一看,實在是刻骨銘心。再多的不如意,只會讓我們更 堅強更團結!ELF們,請認真對待這一次行動,讓人們知道我們不是好欺負的!一天不給個說法,我們就堅持著不停的在維特上投訴,一個小時刷一次維特,在話 題榜上維持數天,直到金唱片給出我們真實的數據和合理的答案。就是要這種效應,讓世界都知道我們所遭受的不公。全世界的ELF,你準備好了嗎!?
This time, it was not only to give SJ justice, but for us too. The year's work on group purchase, trial-listening, votes, and all other hard work, we will not conform to our hard work being thrown away! Even though it was demanding, there was no regret. Now looking back, it has been unforgettable. The despair will only increase our determination and unity. ELF, please take this operation seriously, so we can show the others we are not easily bullied! If we do not get an answer, we will not stop our complaints to twitter. Clean twitter's page every hour, and keep the topic on twitter for several days, until Golden Disk can give us the real data and appropriate answer. We want this effect to show the world we have been raped of our equity. ELF, are you ready?!
Author:LeiLei Translator:Yenny WIjaya&Jeslyn Ho&Anna-oj Naf Editor:Michelle Fung&Michelle Li
Cr: Note by Michelle Fung
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