Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

The most touching moments of Super Junior

#1 After debut, after the first Inkigayo performance, the scene from the Fan Meeting. Leader says, there were alot of people that went that day, and as a new singer, SJ has broken a record. SJ has been breaking many records even since debut and is really thankful for the support and love everyone has been giving.
#1 Setelah debut, sehabis penampilan pertama di Inkigayo. Leeteuk berkata, bahwa banyak sekali orang yang dating pada hari itu, dan sebagai penyanyi bagu, SJ telah mengalahkan rekor. SJ telah mengalahkan banyak sekali rekor sejak pertama kali debut dan ia sangat berterimakasih untuk semua dukungan dan cinta yang telah diberikan.

#2 The first performance of TWINS
#2 Penampilan pertama dari TWINS

#3 When U gotten first place. Seeing the VCR, all the members were crying so hard, especially Eunhyuk. He was crying until there was no image left during that time. So today he was being laughed at by the members. keke
#3 Saat U mendapat peringkat pertama. Melihat VCR, para member menangis begitu keras, terutama Eunhyuk. Dia menangis seperti tidak memiliki image sama sekali pada saat itu. Maka hari ini dia ditertawakan oleh para member yang lain. keke

#4 When they won the 3 awards through Sorry Sorry. This is a very precious memory.
#4 Mereka memenangkan 3 piala lewat Sorry Sorry. Ini adalah kenangan yang sangat berharga.

#5 The scene when ELFs and Super Junior were singing Marry U during Super Show 1. At the Fanmeeting today, everyone was singing this song again. No matter when this song is being sang, it is very touching.
#5 Scene dimana saat ELFs dan Super Junior menyanyikan Marry U saat Super Show 1. Saat fanmeeting hari ini, semua fans menyanyikan kembali lagu tersebut. Tidak peduli kapanpun lagu ini dinyanyikan, pasti sangat menyentuh.

#6 The first Fanmeeting when SJ debut. In the VCR, Kyuhyun was holding on (helping) Heechul, who hasn’t recovered from the accident, up on stage. Really a touching scene.
#6 Fanmeeting pertama ketika SJ debut. Di VCR, Kyuhyun memegang (membantu) Heechul, yang belum benar pulih dari kecelakaan untuk naik ke panggung. Sungguh scene yang sangat menyentuh.

#7 SJ’s first birthday party at their 1st year anniversary
#7 Pesta ulang tahun SJ yang pertama saat 1st year anniversary

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