Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

update schedule YESUNG super junior period akhir sept. s.d oct.

【2010-10-30】 Musical Musical 'spam eorat: The Fellowship of the Holy Grail of King Arthur' Sir Galahad 役 YESUNG (PM 07:00 / Kepco Art Center)
【2010-10-28】 Musical Musical 'spam eorat: The Fellowship of the Holy Grail of King Arthur' Sir Galahad 役 YESUNG (PM 08:00 / Kepco Art Center)
【2010-10-26】 Musical Musical 'spam eorat: The Fellowship of the Holy Grail of King Arthur' Sir Galahad 役 YESUNG (PM 08:00 / Kepco Art Center)
【2010-10-19】 Musical Musical 'spam eorat: The Fellowship of the Holy Grail of King Arthur' Sir Galahad 役 YESUNG (PM 08:00 / Kepco Art Center)
【2010-10-16】 Musical Musical 'spam eorat: The Fellowship of the Holy Grail of King Arthur' Sir Galahad 役 YESUNG (PM 07:00 / Kepco Art Center)
【2010-10-13】 Musical Musical 'spam eorat: The Fellowship of the Holy Grail of King Arthur' Sir Galahad 役 YESUNG (PM 08:00 / Kepco Art Center)
【2010-10-01】 Musical Musical 'spam eorat: The Fellowship of the Holy Grail of King Arthur' Sir Galahad 役 YESUNG (PM 08:00 / Kepco Art Center)
【2010-09-30】 Musical Musical 'spam eorat: The Fellowship of the Holy Grail of King Arthur' Sir Galahad 役 YESUNG (PM 08:00 / Kepco Art Center)

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