Senin, 20 September 2010

Kyuhyun Number 1 ‘Singer best Matched in a School Uniform’

Popular idol group Super Junior member Kyuhyun mendapatkan posisi pertama untuk survey “penyanyi yang paling cocok memakai baju sekolah adalah?”

Survey ini diadakan oleh Bugs Music Bugs Vote dari tanggal 24 Agustus – 30 Agustus, kandidatnya adalah Jo Kwon(2AM), Kim Junsu(2PM), IU, Zinger(Secret), Sulli(f(x)) dan lain-lain.

Kyuhyun mendapatkan posisi pertama dengan menerima 1,021 vote dari jumlah voting sebanyak 2,037 vote jadi sekitar 51% dari vote yang ada. IU berada di posisi nomor 2 dengan jumlah voting 539 vote jadi sekitar 27%. Ada perbedaan jumlah yang besar dari kedua orang ini.

Banyak netizen yang berkomentar, “dengan tinggi Kyuhyun yang menjulang, Kyuhyun bisa syuting iklan memakai baju sekolah tanpa ada masalah” “Aku dengar Kyuhyun mendapatkan nilai yang bagus ketika masih sekolah. Dia bisa terlihat sangat bagus memakai seragam sekolah karena dia mempunyai imej sebagai seorang pelajar” inilah beberapa alasan mengapa mereka memilih Kyuhyun.

Sementara itu di posisi ketiga ditempati oleh Sulli, keempat Jokwon, kelima Kim Junsu, dan terakhir Zinger.


Popular idol group Super Junior member Kyuhyun took the number 1 place in the survey “the singer best matched in a school uniform is?”

In the survey which was conducted by Bugs Music Bugs Vote from the 24th to the 30th of last month, Jo Kwon(2AM), Kim Junsu(2PM), IU, Zinger(Secret), Sulli(f(x)) and other popular singers were included in the list.

Kyuhyun who took the number 1 spot received 1,021 votes out of 2,037 votes which was 51 percent of the vote. IU who took the number 2 spot received 539 votes which was 27 percent of the vote. There was a huge difference between the two people.

Many netizens commented, “with Kyuhyun’s superior height, he can shoot a school uniform commercial with no problem” “I heard that Kyuhyun had good grade when he was in school. He looks good in school uniform because he has the image of model student” revealing why they chose him.

Meanwhile, Sulli who garnered attention recently with her school uniform fashion on SBS ‘Inkigayo’ received 13 percent(249 votes) becoming number 3 and Jo Kwon 9 percent(183 votes), Kim Junsu 2 percent(32 votes) and Zinger 1 percent (13 votes) followed in the survey.


source: Asiae
Translated by Minnie @ SUJUISM.BLOGSPOT.COM

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